The Votes on Senate Bill 80



In the meeting of March 19, 2008, after a brief discussion on Senate Bill 80, the question was called and Committee Chair Ben Bridges asked for a voice vote on Senate Bill 80 and declared that the ayes had won.  A member of the committee requested a counted vote and the Chair asked all those in favor to raise their hands.  Before a vote could be taken, the committee member clarified that his request was for a roll call vote.  The Chair called the roll and the votes were as follows:



Howard Maxwell Yes  
Robert Munford (Absent)    
Tommy Benton   No
Tyrone Brooks Yes  
Debbie Buckner   No
Brooks Coleman Yes  
Burke Day Yes  
Rich Golick Yes  
J. Craig Gordon   No
Lynmore James   No
Charles Jenkins   No
John Meadows (Absent)    
Coach Williams   No



The vote was 5 ayes and 6 nays.  At this point the House Majority Leader Jerry Keen, an ex-officio or ad-hoc member of the committee, appointed to the committee just for this purpose, voted in favor of the bill which resulted in a tie vote of 6 ayes to 6 nays.


Given the opportunity to vote when a tie vote occurs, Committee Chair Ben Bridges was able to vote aye thus breaking the tie and reporting the bill out of committee with a vote of 7 ayes and 6 nays.




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